Sunday, November 25, 2007

From victim to advocate...

Many years ago when the events in Paradise Costs unfolded, I was ignorant of the social implications of what my family faced. I over-simplified the matter. I saw the events as local issues. However, I have grown in my consciousness. My mind has expanded. There was a time when that would have been good news. Sadly, I have been staggered by a reality that effects more Americans than I could have ever imagined.

Do we hear more about elder abuse now or is elder abuse growing?

I cannot answer that question. What I can answer is this. Will elder abuse go away?
No, it won't. The numbers are growing (the stats are on this site) yet why isn't the Elder Justice Act or the numbers of victims part of the Presidential campaign?

That's a good question and perhaps baby boomers need to be asking ourselves that and then asking the candidates the same question. Perhaps they fear the baby boomers and the power that we have. Our reach is far and deep. We control the next election. THINK ABOUT IT. Use your political and economic clout, baby boomers. Call your Senator's office. Ask the provocative questions. STOP ELDER ABUSE. Take a stance.

We can change the future by taking ACTION NOW!

thank you,

thank you to those who have written

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